Statement of Purpose

Bridging the Gap is a program designed to forge that essential link between treatment and recovery by providing temporary contacts for alcoholics being released from institutions.

In Search of Support from a Volunteer?


If you or someone you know is being released from a treatment or correctional facility please call Bridging the Gap at 855-565-2345 or complete this online form and we will get you connected with an AA volunteer as soon as possible.


In order to educate both the outside community and AA members about the purpose of Bridging the Gap we utilize:


Presentations: We are available to give presentations to institutions, AA business meetings, and district meetings in order to educate both the outside community and AA members of the purpose of the Bridging the Gap in order for it to work more effectively. If interested please see the Bridging the Gap contact information at the bottom of this page.

Literature: We have pamphlets that outline the purpose of Bridging the Gap in order to educate the professional community, AA members, and individuals interested in Bridging the Gap services.

“Bridging the Gap” Downloads:

How you can help

Suggested Qualifications for a Bridging the Gap Volunteer

  • One year of continuous sobriety

  • Has gone through the 12 steps

  • Actively working with a sponsor

Bridging the Gap Volunteer Form


Our Monthly Committee Meeting: Every last Sunday of the month we meet as a committee at 10 a.m. EST to discuss matters relating to Bridging the Gap and how we can best reach the newcomer being released from an institution.

Virtual Meeting ID: 826 4823 3248

Password: BTGA11

Contact Us via Email: