Darien, Greenwich, New Canaan, Norwalk, Stamford, Wilton

District 6 Answering Service: 203-855-0075

Online Meetings (click here)

Time Meeting Location City
7:00 am Greenwich Men's GroupMen St Paul Lutheran Church Greenwich
8:00 am Sunrise Solutions Second Congregational Church Greenwich
9:00 am Lambda Group of AA Circle Care Center Norwalk
7:00 am Central Greenwich Men's Meeting Greenwich
7:00 am Sunrise Solutions Second Congregational Church Greenwich
7:00 am Greenwich Mens GroupMen St Paul Lutheran Church Greenwich
7:30 am New Canaan Little Bird Women's ZoomWomen New Canaan
7:30 am Early Bird Group Congregational Church New Canaan
7:30 am Sober Sunrise Group First Congregational Church of Darien Darien
7:30 am Stamford Eye Opener Group St. Andrews Church Stamford
Noon Downtown Noon Group First Congregational Church Stamford
3:30 pm The Winner's Circle Christ Church Greenwich
7:00 pm Steps To Recovery Group First Presbyterian Church (First Church) Stamford
7:00 pm Just For Today Group St. Johns Lutheran Church Stamford
7:00 am Sunrise Solutions Second Congregational Church Greenwich
7:00 am Greenwich Mens GroupMen St Paul Lutheran Church Greenwich
7:30 am Early Birds Group Congregational Church New Canaan
7:30 am Sober Sunrise Group First Congregational Church of Darien Darien
7:30 am Stamford Eye Opener Group St. Andrews Church Stamford
7:30 am Sunrise Group Wilton Baptist Church Wilton
3:30 pm The Winner's Circle Christ Church Greenwich
7:00 pm Back to Basics Group Stamford Church of Christ Stamford
7:00 am Sunrise Solutions Second Congregational Church Greenwich
7:00 am Greenwich Men's GroupMen St Paul Lutheran Church Greenwich
7:30 am New Canaan Little Bird Women's ZoomWomen New Canaan
7:30 am Early Bird Group Congregational Church New Canaan
7:30 am Sober Sunrise Group First Congregational Church of Darien Darien
7:30 am Stamford Eye Opener Group St. Andrews Church Stamford
Noon Downtown Noon Group First Congregational Church Stamford
3:30 pm The Winner's Circle Christ Church Greenwich
7:00 pm Courage to Change Glenbrook Comm Ctr Stamford
7:30 pm LGBTIA Step and Tradition Group Circle Care Center Norwalk
7:00 am Central Greenwich Men's Meeting Greenwich
7:00 am Sunrise Solutions Second Congregational Church Greenwich
7:00 am Greenwich Men's GroupMen St Paul Lutheran Church Greenwich
7:30 am New Canaan Little Bird Women's ZoomWomen New Canaan
7:30 am Early Bird Group Congregational Church New Canaan
7:30 am Sober Sunrise Group First Congregational Church of Darien Darien
7:30 am Stamford Eye Opener Group St. Andrews Church Stamford
3:30 pm The Winner's Circle Christ Church Greenwich
7:00 pm Steps to Recovery Group First Presbyterian Church (First Church) Stamford
7:15 pm Springdale Men's GroupMen Stamford Church of Christ Stamford
7:30 pm St Paul's Women's Step MeetingWomen St Pauls Episcopal Church Riverside
7:00 am Sunrise Solutions Second Congregational Church Greenwich
7:00 am Greenwich Mens GroupMen St Paul Lutheran Church Greenwich
7:30 am New Canaan Little Bird Women's ZoomWomen New Canaan
7:30 am Early Bird Group Congregational Church New Canaan
7:30 am Sober Sunrise Group First Congregational Church of Darien Darien
7:30 am Stamford Eye Opener Group St. Andrews Church Stamford
Noon Downtown Noon Group First Congregational Church Stamford
3:30 pm The Winner's Circle Christ Church Greenwich
6:00 pm Common Solution Group Cornerstone Community Church Norwalk
7:00 pm Back to Basics Stamford Church of Christ Stamford
7:30 pm Noroton Fri Night Downstairs Beginners Group Noroton Presbyterian Church Darien
8:00 pm Lambda Gay and Lesbian Group St Pauls Episcopal Church Norwalk
7:30 am Greenwich Mens GroupMen St Pauls Episcopal Church Riverside
8:00 am Sober Sunrise Group First Congregational Church of Darien Darien
8:00 am Sunrise Solutions Second Congregational Church Greenwich
9:00 am Stamford Eye Opener Group St. Andrews Church Stamford
7:00 pm Steps to Recovery Group First Presbyterian Church (First Church) Stamford

News and Events

District 6 Upcoming Meetings

Time Meeting Location City
Noon Getting It Together Group Christ Church Greenwich
Noon Downtown Noon Group First Congregational Church Stamford
Noon AA Women's GroupWomen Ginis House Norwalk
Noon Re-al Noon Group St. Cecilias Convent Stamford
Noon Wilton Noon Big Book Group WEPCO Complex Wilton

View all District 6 Meetings

Monthly District Service Meetings

Fourth Wednesday of the Month (except Nov and Dec) at 8:00 PM

The Old Greenwich Civic Center
90 Harding Road
Old Greenwich, CT 06870


We post district and registered group events.
Please email information to events@ct-aa.org or speak to your district website rep.
Please be sure your flyer or information adheres to our guidelines.