Area 11 District 20

Guilford, Clonnecticut


Utilice el servicio de respuesta: 203-624-6063
Area 11 tiene ahora una lengua española en el servicio de contestador 1-855-ESPANCT (1-855-377-2628)

Noticias y eventos

Próximas reuniones del Distrito 20

Tiempo Reunión Ubicación Ciudad
17.30 h Grupo One Step At A Time Iglesia Episcopal de Todos los Santos Wolcott
17.30 h Grupo Happy Hour Club de Recuperación de Bristol Bristol
17.30 h Grupo "Gracias a Dios estoy sobrio Capilla de Cristo Madison
17.30 h Hora feliz de la alegría de vivir Iglesia Episcopal de Cristo Guilford
17.30 h Grupo Escalera Iglesia Episcopal de Cristo Stratford

Ver todas las reuniones del Distrito 20

Ver todas las reuniones en línea del Distrito 20 

Welcome to the Guilford, CT District 20.

Guilford is conveniently located between exits 57 and 59 of I95. Our meetings are a combination of in-person and on-line meetings. Please use the links below to find a convenient meeting.


District GSR Meetings:

The third Jueves of each month at the Guilford Community Center, 32 Church Street, Guilford, CT at 6:30 pm. Contact our District Committee Member (DCM) as times and location may change.


Dirección postal del distrito:

District 20 Area 11, PMB 187, 800 Village Walk, Guilford, CT. 06437

District Officers:

DCM [email protected]

Alt-DCM [email protected]

Treasurer [email protected]

Alt-Treasurer [email protected]

Registrar [email protected]

Recording Secretary [email protected]

Schedules/Web Rep [email protected]

Public Info. Rep [email protected]

Alki-line Rep [email protected]

District Guidelines:

Guidelines are currently being developed and will be posted as they become available. For additional information contact our DCM.

Service Positions Available:

Pass the A.A. message forward to other alcoholics by serving on a service committee. Click here for an abbreviated one-page summary of service committees. More detailed information may be obtained by contacting our DCM.


Publicamos los eventos del distrito y de los grupos inscritos.
Envíe la información por correo electrónico a [email protected] o hable con el representante del sitio web de su distrito.
Por favor, asegúrese de que su folleto o información se adhiere a nuestras directrices.