What we do:
The Answering Service is an initial point of contact for people who may be struggling with alcohol or those wanting information about Alcoholics Anonymous. The service we provide is the same as giving your phone number to a newcomer except that you may never have met the person who is reaching out for help. All that you must do is share your experience, strength, and hope with another.
How it works:
A person who is looking for help calls one of the District Call Centers or the *Area wide toll free number: 1-866-STEPS12 (1-866-783-7712). The call taker will take the caller’s information (gender, location, phone number and why they are calling). If it is a twelfth step call the call center will go through the list of A.A. volunteers and see who is available to return the call. The call center does their best to match men with men and women with women from the same town. Your phone number is NEVER given out to anyone. It is up to you to return the call. Some people call because they are looking for a ride to a meeting. You are under no obligation to bring someone to a meeting. If you feel comfortable doing so you may. It is suggested that you always bring someone with you. This helps ensure the safety of everyone involved.
How to sign up as a volunteer:
It is very simple. Please print and fill out the sheet below. We ask that you please put your first name and last initial. This helps us to keep our records straight. Please indicate the days and times you are available to return calls. We understand that not everyone is available all day every day. Thanks to this program we have careers and families that need us as well. You can then give it to your groups GSR to hand to the District Answering Service Chair. You may also email the form.
*Area 11 tiene ahora una lengua española en el servicio de contestador 1-855-ESPANCT (1-855-377-2628).
Area 11 now has a Spanish language answering service at 1-855-ESPANCT (1-855-377-2628).