This page contains presentations (and supplimentary materials when available) on District 7’s redistricting efforts:


The results of the ad-hoc redistricting committee, as presented at the District meeting on 16 Sept., 2021

Click here to view, download or print flyer


At the December District meeting (Dec. 16, 2021) the body voted to proceed with redistricting, as per the recommendations of the ad-hoc committee [available above].

The text of the charge given to the (new) ad-hoc committee actually developing scenarios which will be presented to the District as a whole is shown below:


January 8 2022


Charge to redistricting Ad Hoc Committee:


fact finding and development of options for division of district 7 into districts that will better align with the A.A. Service manual’s definition of a district (see pages 4 and 13 of manual)

Note also appendix F in Service manual page 108.

Committee to provide reports to district monthly

First order of business to choose chair and secretary

Second establish best day and time for ongoing meetings

Committee will copy district chair on all communications




04 May 2022:

The ad-hoc committee adopted the following Mission Statement to clarify its activities and scope:

“To present options for redistricting of D7 which will foster active participation of Groups, and improve communication between Groups, District and Area committees thus helping achieve AA’s primary purpose.”

20 October 2022:

At the October District meeting, an overview of the three options developed by the redistricting committee were presented: A Question and Answer period was held. This information will be brought back to the Groups by the GSRs. Discussion of the options will take place at the November District meeting, and a vote to choose which one of them to implement will be held during the December District Meeting (Third Legacy Procedure).

This presentation can be viewed, saved or printed from:


(note: large document, converted to .pdf from PowerPoint presentation)

18 May 2022:

Contact the Redistricting Committee:

Do you have any questions or feedback?

Please contact the ad-hoc committee chair at this address:   [email protected]